Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Quill & Ink

I was out on the weekend touring some antique shops, second-hand stores and bookstores. We discovered many interesting things...from the most elegant silver and crystal, to funny "tools" with an unknown purpose, to just plain junk.

During my adventure, however, I discovered the most amazing old desk. It has a flip down front, that serves as a writing surface. Inside there are little square and rectangle "cubbies" for all those writing necessities -- papers, stamps, etc.

I could imagine sitting in the parlour of an evening, with a coal-oil lamp perched atop this desk. A tea-coloured, tatted doily protects the desk, and adds a touch of elegance to this piece of furniture. I have a couple of pieces of parchment placed in front of me, quill pen in hand, and an ink pot within easy reach. Tucked in the back of the desk are all the tools necessary to complete my letter writing task -- extra paper, wax candle, a stamp seal, a pen knife -- all ready to serve their purpose. As I proceed to write, I think of the person who will be receiving this letter. It will be delivered to their door, and will be read leisurely, perhaps with a cup of tea. They will read my stories and smile, laugh, cry and feel like we've had a visit.

Hmmmm.... Back to 2010. Not only have we done away with the quill and ink, but we have all but eliminated the "letter". Don't get me wrong, I love e-mail. It's amazing how quickly and easily we can keep in touch with friends and family and communicate with each other on a regular basis. However, I do think we are missing an old pleasure of communicating via good old-fashioned letters. Perhaps, I will try to take the time to sit down with pen and paper to write a real letter once in a while....

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